Special offers in the cozy Wroclaw’s Hotel Sleep

If you are looking for an accommodation in a quiet district of Wroclaw, you’ve come to the right place. The cozy Sleep Hotel is a three star hotel offering 42 cosily furnished Standard and Standard Plus rooms. The most important for us is the satisfaction of our guest with their stay in the hotel, that is why we constantly improve the level of our services, offering you numerous amenities. For guests who do not have their own car, along with a taxi company, we have prepared an attractive transport offer. In addition, we have prepared unique special offers.

Special offers

Bed and breakfast offer non-refundable

We invite you to take advantage of the “Bed and Breakfast” package.

We offer the best price when booking on our website.

The price includes accommodation in a single, double or triple room and a tasty breakfast in the form of a buffet.

There is also the possibility of receiving a lunchbox breakfast, which can be ordered before 8 p.m. the day before.

This package is a part of non-refundable offer.

Price from: 159 PLN / 1 person, 199 PLN / 2 people, 229 PLN / 3 people

Romantic weekend

Romantic weekend for two

We offer our guests a weekend stay in a double room with a double bed. The package also includes a generous breakfast buffet or lunchbox, as well as a bottle of wine and chocolates in the room as a welcoming gift.

The offer is also valid when booking for one day.

Price from 229 PLN / 2 people


Student Package -10 PLN*

The offer is directed specifically to students who can present a valid student ID. The discount is added to the price per night in a single, double or triple room.

* The offer is valid from Friday till Sunday on selected days, when booking on the phone, through the email or on our website.